Valeria Recman

V A L E R I A  R E C M A N

Valeria is a Czecho-Italian director born in Vienna. After her studies at FAMU in Prague, she has worked in Rome for Groenlandia Group and then traveled for a while, visiting South America and some Asian countries like Vietnam and Thailand. There she directed a short film called "Before Bangkok," collaborating with local filmmakers. 
Inspired by diverse cultures and values, she has now returned to Europe to continue her work as a commercial director. Her approach reflects a sense of contemporary and international topics. Subtly incorporating them into simple stories, she likes to contribute to opening new relevant questions. She uses specific dynamics, distinctive colours, and a fascinating flow, to capture everyday moments in a special and playful way, which makes her work light and accessible.



Charity Czech Republic

Piana Diskol



Design For Future

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